Crypto believer
The SCAVO Token is based on the Ethereum ERC20 standard and derivatives of it. In their design, they guarantee certain rights to their holders.
On one hand, it provides the right to receive the profits, product of crypto mining operations, in proportion to the possession and circulation of the tokens.
On the other hand, the token holder will be able to create proposals and these will be put to the consideration of the community for their vote and subsequent treatment in the company.
Finally, it grants the right to vote in each proposal in relation to 1 SCAVO = 1 VOTE.
Next, we will indicate how the tokens will be sold in general and in subsequent publications we will report the details in each of the stages.
In the same way, we provide how they will proceed to distribute them for each of the categories that we have defined.
Ticker: SCAVO
Total Supply (fixed): 300,000,000
Decimals: 18
Blockchain: Ubiq, Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum
Contract Address: 0x
(-1) The total supply taking into consideration all the contracts deployed in the different blockchains.
(-2) On April 15, the address of the smart contract in each of the blockchains will be reported.
Our private and public sponsors have provided capital, resources and guidance in the different stages of the project allowing, in this way, to continue step by step with the plan originally drawn up.
The amount of tokens allocated to this category (14%) corresponds to the current holding in their possession. Therefore, there will be a massive token swap delivered in a timely manner, respecting the proportionality of holding of each one of them.
The tokens destined for this category will be used to deploy targeted and accurated marketing campaigns that tend to organically grow the project. For this reason, only 1%, a small portion, of the total number of tokens in circulation will be consigned for this purpose.
We allocate 5% of the tokens to carry out a private sale of the token, prior to the public sale. The dates, as well as the procedure will be informed shortly in a specific publication.
The funds obtained will be used entirely for the purchase of mining hardware and will be put into production immediately.
It should be noted that our marketing efforts will not only focus on taking specific actions, but we aim to have a fully functional project through our private token sale. This, in conjunction with our early backers, will provide some true endorsement of our platform before the public token sale begins.
In fact, the public token sale will begin once the objective of this stage has been reached.
The tokens destined for this category will be sold to the general public through several stages with differentiated values in each one of them.
At this stage, the token sale will be carried out through different third-party platforms in order to consolidate the project’s investor base.
As each of the stages comes to an end, the processes for the distribution of funds, the acquisition of goods and subsequent production of the corresponding miners will be carried out.
The funds from the public sale will be allocated as follows:
94% of the funds obtained, that is almost all, will be used to acquire all the necessary equipment (GPU, CPU, Motherboards, Memories, SSD, ASICs, PSUs, etc.) corresponding to the miners, as well as any other required part (switches, cabling, racks, etc).
The Development Fund will be used to grow the ecosystem as well as to carry out R&D studies for the optimization of resources of the mining farms, improvement and optimizations in the administration software and processes for automated decision making.
The Reserve Fund is constituted with the main objective of solving any unforeseen expenses, as well as being able to maximize activity times in the event of failures in different parts of the production chain of mining farms.
By default, each token holder will be paid in proportion to their holding, directly to the wallet where they hold the tokens, using the company’s smart contract.
All the assets that the farm has produced through the different types of miners will be paid automatically and regularly according to the intervals informed in advance, maximizing the profits in relation to the fees that must be paid to carry out said transactions based on what provided for in the REINVESTMENT and SCALABILITY points.
The constant challenge in mining is to be able to maintain and increase profits and profits over time. Knowing that all electrical and / or electronic equipment has a life cycle that ranges between 3 and 5 years, we have designed a reinvestment plan in three stages from the beginning, that is, from the moment in which the mining farms begin to work.
Each of the stages is developed progressively and whose granularity is at the mining or farm level as a whole, as appropriate, in order to maximize the profits to be transferred, without compromising the reinvestment process.
During this period, 40% of the net profits obtained will be used to acquire new miners from the farms.
During this period, 20% of the net profits obtained will be used to expand the mining capacity of the existing miners.
During this period, the corresponding procedure will begin to replace the current mining equipment, as appropriate and based on the stipulated parameters.
When developing our solution, a recurring question was to be able to achieve a large-scale mining system that is automated and scalable over time. For this, design, construction and administration guidelines were established to achieve the highest degree of modularity possible, through the introduction of subsystems.
Undoubtedly, the management software plays a preponderant role in the entire project since, through it, we will optimize the entire decision-making process with greater precision, both regarding what types of crypto assets to mine in real time and also predict with better hits possible failures of miners and other components that make up the farm.
All this, in the end, will allow us to maximize the profits of the farms and therefore improve the overall performance.
All this is possible due to the constant feedback, in real time, from the different sub processes that run the farm as well as from third-party sources on the internet.
In other words, to achieve the proposed objectives, it was and is necessary to develop the entire infrastructure to carry out the concept of “industry 4.0”, thus achieving the highest degree of efficiency, automation of processes, access to low-cost and clean energy , among other guidelines, which will culminate in achieving the long-term crypto mining process in a robust way.
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Cada barbacoa es una obra de arte – Después de unos años compartiendo con familiares y amigos en la parrilla, me di cuenta de que el fuego une a la gente y que cada receta es única, ¿por qué no registrar cada una como una obra de arte? Es por eso que creamos The Grill App para que pueda compartir sus grandes obras de arte !!
18 Decimals – 10M tokens
EggSwap is an automated market making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) currently on the Expanse blockchain.
This is a project run by the community and with the support of the Expanse Team. There are a few core products for SushiSwap’s ecosystem:
EggSwap Exchange ( )
EggSwap Liquidity Pools (
EggSwap Farms (
EggSwap Staking (
En febrero de 2021, el equipo de Expanse lanzó Expanse Bridge Tool. En este tutorial vamos a aprender a usarlo. Intentaremos enviar Exp a la cadena Ubiq.
El año pasado se convirtió en el año de la plataforma multichain, se puede recordar el aumento de LINK de 2$ -> 24$, Polkadot (DOT) lanzamiento con una ganancia aún más significativa en valor + un montón de otros proyectos menos populares cuyo objetivo principal es combinar todas las diferentes cadenas en una red enorme, donde se puede intercambiar ETH a EXP o EXP a Matic sin utilizar intercambios centralizados.
Bien, ahora vamos a intentar hacer algunas transacciones entre cadenas en Expanse.
En primer lugar, usted debe tener alguna extensión envuelta (WEXP), usted preguntará por qué? Porque necesitamos interactuar con el token, no con la moneda nativa de la cadena. Pero está bien, porque Extensión envuelta siempre será igual a 1:1 Extensión.
Ve a EggSwap, conecta tu billetera, selecciona de Exp a Wexp y haz clic en Wrap
Confirme la transacción en Metamask y espere algunas confirmaciones.
2. Después de que tengamos algo de wexp, vaya a ExpanseBridge y conecte la cartera Metamask (con la red seleccionada expanse). Seleccione la red de destino, coloque la cantidad de wExp que desea enviar y la parte más importante: escriba la dirección de destino, asegúrese de que tiene acceso a esa cartera.
Haga clic en "Start Transfer" , lea antes del vuelo y haga clic en "Start Transfer" una vez más.
3. La verdadera magia comienza en este paso. Confirme la aprobación de la transacción y confirme la transacción de cargo. Después de su segundo tx, usted debe esperar hasta bridge hacer transacción de crosschain.
Y después de toda tu paciente espera deberías ver algo como esto:
Buen trabajo, ahora interactuamos con este EXP en otra cadena ;)
4. Ahora puede comprobar su extensión envuelta en Ubiq. Abra mew o metamask con la red seleccionada ubq, inicie sesión con la dirección de destino y agregue token personalizado con estos datos:
Dirección del contrato — 0x068adbc25efa195f13e70812904761100046059c
Símbolo — uWEXP
Decimales — 18
Ahora puedes ver tu uWexp en la cadena Ubiq y hacer algunos intercambios de agricultura.
Y eso es todo. Bienvenido al mundo criptográfico multichain.
PD: De la misma manera funciona el puente exp->eth o exp->matic
Fuente y Creditos a SpeedRunner
Un wrapped token se puede definir como la forma tokenizada de otra criptomoneda. En pocas palabras, está transformando (wrapping) una moneda para llegar a ser útil en una cadena de bloques que no es su cadena de bloques nativa, sin perder su valor. La idea es permitir la interacción entre diferentes cadenas de bloques a pesar de su singularidad. Además, un wrapped token conserva el valor de su moneda original (1 WBLTC = 1 LTC). También puede unwrap el token en cualquier momento para canjear su naturaleza original. Considéralo como un stablecoin, que conserva el valor de la moneda fiduciaria que representa.
Unwrapping Un Token
Como se mencionó, un token envuelto se puede canjear o hacer unwrapped. Para ello, el comerciante realiza una solicitud de quema al custodio, que luego libera el LTC requerido.
¿En qué se diferencian los tokens envueltos de Stablecoins?
Un Stablecoin es una criptomoneda que está vinculado a un activo con un valor estable, como oro, cripto, o dinero fiduciario como el dólar estadounidense. Así que se puede decir que las fichas envueltas son un tipo de Stablecoins. Hago esta afirmación porque los tokens envueltos también están conectados a criptomonedas y tienen el mismo valor que la moneda a la que está vinculado, por ejemplo, 1 WLTC = 1 LTC. Pero eso es lo más lejos que su similitud puede llegar a ser.
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